Weather4D Routing

Weather4D Routing

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Augmenting Weather4D with Routing

Weather4D Routing is an outstanding meteorological and routing application based on weather and ocean data in GRIB format as well as the speed characteristics of the sailing boat (polar) and its minimum speed when operated with its engine. It benefits from an interface derived from the “Routing & Navigation” version.


View combined weather data displayed in 3D HD layers animated automatically or manually by sliding a finger on the screen.

Use GFS model to get started. In addition, about 60 weather and oceanographic high resolution models are available with a yearly subscription (in-app purchase).

Create your own geographical zones, select the models you need and download only the characteristics that matter to you: data type, resolution, periodicity, file size, etc. GRIB files can be downloaded anywhere through a regular or satellite internet connection.

Split the screen (iPad only) to combine and/or compare: navigation and weather, weather and waves or currents, two weather models… The splitted screens can display charts at different scales.


Routing calculation optimizes for safety, comfort and performance when sailing, motoring, or mixing the two.

Create a route and calculate its associated routings in function of departure dates/times, forecasts (weather, wave and current), minimum sailing speed, motoring speed, boat polar, maximum wind and minimum distance to the coast.

Visualize sail configurations based on your routings and your own set of sails.

Save waypoints, locations, simulate routes, combine them with GRIB forecast models and thus get a holistic view of all the parameters affecting routing calculations.

Restart a routing calculation at anytime from the actual boat position.

Default Model and Charts

  • GFS global weather forecast model at 0.25 °, 0.5 °, 1 ° and 2 ° resolutions
  • BING global chart
  • OSM (Opens Street Map) global chart

Optional Models (in-app purchase)


  • GDPS Global (Canada)
  • ICON Global
  • ECMWF IFS (Global)
  • ECMWF AIFS (Global)
  • NAM (USA)
  • ICON-EU Europe
  • ARPEGE Global, Europe
  • AROME France, Antilles, Guyane, Polynésie, Calédonie, Océan Indie
  • AROME HD France
  • ICON D2
  • UKV (Royaume-Uni sud)


  • GFS Wave (Global)
  • MFWAM Global, Europe, France
  • IFREMER WW3 (Manche-Atlantique)


  • HYCOM (Global)
  • Copernicus SMOC (Global)
  • Copernicus Global, IBI, ENWS, Baltic, Med
  • WCPS (Saint-Laurent)
  • IFREMER (Manche-Atlantique)

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