by Frederic de Vedrines | Nov 20, 2018 | Charting
GeoGarage updated 125 nautical raster charts. Two new insets added from October 4th, 2018 to November 6th, 2018 : 233 nautical charts (445 including insets) are displayed in the GeoGarage platform. These charts are based on digital material directly issued from the...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Nov 19, 2018 | Charting, Update
72 nautical charts have been updated and one new chart added on November 7th, 2018. Altogether, 819 charts (1735 including sub-charts) are available in the Canada CHS layer. See details on GeoGarage website.
by Frederic de Vedrines | Nov 7, 2018 | Charting
Geogarage updated its UKHO based charts portfolio 1008 charts (1871 including insets) are available in the ‘British Isles & misc.’ chart layer 23 charts have been added 3 charts have been withdrawn 63 charts have been updated Please visit the GeoGarage...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Sep 14, 2018 | Flash
Do as I say and not as I do Hurricane Florence hit the US coast on September 14th 2018. A recent post related to the movie “Adrift” advises to avoid sailing in tropical zones during the hurricane season. I however couldn’t pass on the opportunity to go on a third...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Aug 15, 2018 | Update
Addition of new data sensors support: NMEA Drift sensor (Leeway) NMEA Air Temperature sensor NMEA Water Temperature Sensor Calculation of the current (speed and direction) Leeway is a function available from certain high-frequency electromagnetic speed sensors capable...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Jul 18, 2018 | Update
Spot direction changes at a glance Wind changes direction over time, so do currents and waves. Being able to figure out instantly when they occur for all three model types provides an edge and helps navigation planning. Follow your arrows Currents You can now...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Jun 29, 2018 | Charting
4 charts have been added 1 chart has been withdrawn 292 charts have been updated These France & misc SHOM charts are automatically viewable on the following mobile applications : Weather4D Routing & Navigation with a subscription to GeoGarage Weather4D...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Jun 29, 2018 | Charting
These Belgium Vlaamse charts are automatically viewable on Weather4D Routing & Navigation with a subscription to GeoGarage Please visit the GeoGarage blog for more information Join the Weather4D Community today!Receive product and documentation news, chart...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Jun 29, 2018 | Charting
These ICG-HD Iceland charts are automatically viewable on Weather4D Routing & Navigation with a subscription to GeoGarage Please visit the GeoGarage blog for more information Join the Weather4D Community today!Receive product and documentation news, chart...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Jun 22, 2018 | Charting
These BSH Germany charts are automatically viewable on the following mobile applications : Weather4D Routing & Navigation with a subscription to GeoGarage Weather4D Android as an in app purchase in the PlayStore Please visit the GeoGarage blog for more information...