Addition of new data sensors support:
- NMEA Drift sensor (Leeway)
- NMEA Air Temperature sensor
- NMEA Water Temperature Sensor
- Calculation of the current (speed and direction)
Leeway is a function available from certain high-frequency electromagnetic speed sensors capable of providing the drift angle between the STW course and the HDG heading of the boat. The generated NMEA 0183 data is LWY (Nautical Leeway Angle) or its PGN equivalent (NMEA 2000). If this data is received, Weather4D calculates the instantaneous current by combining LWY angle and speed with course over ground COG/SOG.
- Sharing AIS data
- AIS Weather & Hydro Data Support
- Sharing by the AIS Internet of the Weather & Hydro data of the boat
The received AIS data and the boat’s own data can be shared in real time over an internet connection. Weather4D has implemented a dedicated server integrated within the AISHub network to share the positions and data received from all users of the application who want it. This concerns not only the AIS, position and route data, but also the weather data (wind, air temperature) and hydrographic data (current, water temperature) encountered by the vessel. Sharing is done when an internet connection is established (cellular) at the same time as the Wi-Fi connection to the NMEA gateway, or when downloading a weather forecast GRIB file via satellite with an Iridium GO!™.
This function, still experimental, aims in the near future to allow the community of users to share weather and hydro real data wherever they navigate, whose accuracy increases with the oncoming of more and more sophisticated sensors (ultrasonic, electromagnetic, multidata, etc)
- New function to disable internet access for displaying charts.