by Frederic de Vedrines | Apr 20, 2018 | Tips
How to choose weather, wave and current models when you create a zone with Weather4D? This article describes the logic behind picking the right models.
by Frederic de Vedrines | Apr 19, 2018 | Flash
(Re)Discover iWatchSat Satellites make it possible to download grib files offshore but the data transfer from a satellite is optimal only when they are positioned well and for a long enough time above your vessel. iWatchSat tells you when a satellite is easily...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Apr 8, 2018 | Charting
183 charts have been updated and 1 chart has been withdrawn from the GeoGarage platform. See detailed list in Geogarage weblog. Join the Weather4D Community today!Receive product and documentation news, chart update notifications and read in-depth Weather4D related...
by Frederic de Vedrines | Apr 3, 2018 | Flash
A bug introduced in the latest version of our development tool, Xcode 9.3, is impacting routing calculation. A workaround to bypass the bug was submitted to the App Store early morning with an express review request. The fix has been made available. We apologize for...