GFS is available without subscription for all three applications unlike Weather4D and Weather4D Pro which offered some additional wave and current models. However, if you had a current subscription, it continues on new releases with additional models and no extra charge.
Additional models are:
- ARPEGE Global 0,5 ° (4 days)
- MFWAM wave models from Météo-France, 3 resolutions for 3 covers: Global, Europe and France
- NCOM current models at 1/30 ° (2 NM) for US and Caribbean coastal areas
Otherwise, 35+ models are now available for the same subscription price as prior the Weather4D Lite, Routing and Routing & Navigation releases. In Global Settings scroll down down and tap on price label. Then, Account option allows entering a user id and password to register the device, in order to use subscription with up to five devices.
Without a subscription, there is yet a couple of ways to get weather/wave/currents data and also

wave and current models